OpenKAT 1.5

The main feature of the 1.5 release of OpenKAT is the ability to scan multiple organizations from one OpenKAT instance and manage the data and users for each of them. It comes with an API to automatically deploy organizations and users from an external source.

This gives you the ability to manage OpenKAT for a large group of organizations while maintaining the separation of data and users for each of them. It also allows you to supply credentials to users within those organizations and to give them access to their own data, make reports etc.

In addition to this several other features have been added that support this use case, such as the ability to filter and manage and add objects in bulk and add scanning and inheritance of scan levels from a higher level. They were requested by some of our large scale partners and we will continue working on such features in the forthcoming releases.

New Features

  • Most importantly, this is the first version of KAT that offers fully implemented multi-organization support. New organizations can be added in the Rocky admin interface (/admin), after which databases in xtdb and KAT-alogus will be automatically added. Clients can be added for each organization that cannot view data of other organizations

  • Certificates can now be created without having a relation to a website

  • IPAddresses now inherit a scan level from a netblock if that netblock is known

  • NMAP can now scan ip ranges

  • Rocky now offers bulk actions for the deletion of OOIs and giving clearance levels to OOIs

  • Rocky now offers filtering options based on clearance levels and clearance level types


For the new multi organization feature to work XTDB needs to be changed to the multinode version that can be found at


The container image of the XTDB container can be changed to “”. This image will automatically detect that the volume was created by the original XTDB image and migrate everything. By the default it will create a new node with the name “_dev”, but this can be changed using the XTDB_MIGRATION_NODE_NAME environment variable.

The XTDB_TYPE env setting for the Octopoes container also needs to be changed to “xtdb-multinode”.

Debian packages

If you have previously installed XTDB with the provided script, then you should first stop XTDB and remove this from the system before installing the new xtdb-http-multinode Debian package:

systemctl stop xtdb@default.service
rm -r /usr/lib/systemd/system/xtdb@.service /etc/xtdb /opt/xtdb

The data in /var/lib/xtdb needs to be moved to specific node directory. If you use “_dev” as the code for the current organization (which is the default), you have to do the following:

mkdir /var/lib/xtdb/_dev
mv /var/lib/xtdb/default_documents /var/lib/xtdb/_dev/documents
mv /var/lib/xtdb/default_tx-log /var/lib/xtdb/_dev/tx-log
mv /var/lib/xtdb/default_indexes /var/lib/xtdb/_dev/indexes

You can then download the Debian package from and install it using:

apt install rocksdb-tools
dpkg -i xtdb-http-multinode.deb

It should start automatically, the log should indicate that the node _dev has started:

journalctl -u xtdb-http-multinode.service

It will listen on port 3000 by default just like the did before, if you changed this you need to change this again in /etc/default/xtdb-http-multinode.

In /etc/kat/octopoes.conf XTDB_TYPE needs to be changed to “xtdb-multinode”.

Full Changelog

The full changelog can be found on Github.