External authentication

OpenKAT supports external authentication using Django’s built-in remote user authentication. Make sure that you read the warning in the Django documentation before you configure this.

Configuration of this can be done using two environments variables. The REMOTE_USER_HEADER variable specifies the header that has the e-mail address that is used as username in OpenKAT. Setting this variable will also enable the remote user backend. The REMOTE_USER_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATIONS variable is optional and is a comma separated list of “organisation:group” items and configures which organisation every remote user get access to by default. The value of REMOTE_USER_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATIONS will override any changes made and if someone is removed from a group that is listed they will automatically be added back the next time they use OpenKAT using remote user authentication.

Example configuration:


This will use the value of X-Email HTTP header as the e-mail address for the user account. Every user will be added to org1 with admin permissions and to org with client permissions.

An easy solution for configuring single-sign on using OAuth is oauth2-proxy.