OpenKAT 1.16

This release adds saving of reports. When completing the reporting workflow the report will be saved and can be viewed later. This is a big step towards being able to schedule automatically generated reports. The reporting also has had a lot of improvements and fixes.

Support for running custom OCI images using only a boefje definition (boefje.json) has been added. This has been applied to nmap and dnssec boefjes. The boefje.json still needs live in the OpenKAT code directory in this release, but this is a big step towards being able to add custom boefjes.

New Features

  • Add xtdb-cli tool to Octopoes. This can be used to easily interact with XTDB and doing importing/exporting.

  • The onboarding workflow uses the new reporting system.

  • Add a warning to the CSP validator for ‘self’ on script-src directives. Ignore missing CSP if the page is not XSS capable.

  • Add bit that checks for disallowed domains in the CSP header.

  • Update several plugins: Wappalizer, dns-records, ssl-certificates, pdio_subfinder, nuclei

  • The many-ports-open boefje/normalizer has been removed.

  • Backup scripts to backup container data when using the development setup. Thanks to @TobiasBDO for contributing the scripts.

  • More Octopoes Query support for complex path queries

  • Optimize queries executed when running bits

  • Introduce support for running custom built OCI images using only a boefje definition (boefje.json), applied to nmap.

  • Improvements of several reports in terms of performance, styling, OOI selection and configuration.

  • Improved documentation about reports, the new OCI image functionality and architecture, IPv6 support in Docker and Octopoes models.

  • Added documentation on how to make a boefje, normalizer, model, bit and report with examples. Thanks to @Souf149 for contributing some of these improvements.

  • Frysk has been added to the selectable list of languages. Over 30% of OpenKAT has been translated due to the amazing and hard work of Wim Benes. Tige tank!

Bug fixes

  • Fix OOI add/edit form

  • Fix version handling when no version is present in wappalyzer normalizer.

  • Error handling has been improved in a lot of places.

  • Fixed schema errors when plugin schema is empty or missing.

  • Fix and improve manually running a boefjes/normalizer.

  • The KATalogus plugin API doesn’t have a hardcoded limit anymore.

  • Missing titles in FastAPI API’s have been added.

  • Added workaround for broken links to OOIs in the normalizer task list.

  • Fix Snyk boefje creating empty CVE ids.


It is no longer needed to seed the KATalogus database using python -m boefjes.seed on installation or upgrades. This is because v1.16.0 phases out the repository database model in the KATalogus. The migration could potentially not be backward compatible for each install, so please read the following carefully before triggering an upgrade.

All bits all need to be rerun because of model changes. This can be done on the organization settings page.

Checking the KATalogus Migration

If you are using OpenKAT as a regular user and never called APIs or tweaked the database manually, you can move forward with the normal instructions of upgrading Debian packages or upgrading containers.

If there is a chance you added entries to the seeded model, or you notice the KATalogus being down after the upgrade, please check your katalogus database to see if any records are returned for the following query:

SELECT * from plugin_state join repository r on repository_pk = where != 'LOCAL'

If this raises an exception saying the repository table does not exist, the migration was applied successfully and this is not the issue. If this returns no records but the logs say: “Cannot perform migration: remove plugin_states that refer to nonlocal repositories first.”, please contact us.

If this returns one or more records, either delete these if these were not created intentionally, or contact us if you were in fact using a custom plugin repository. We will help migrating your setup towards the new custom built OCI image solution, after which the custom plugin repository is no longer needed.

Alternatively, to check if there are repositories other than the ‘LOCAL’ repository, look at the result of the following KATalogus endpoint for your organisations: /v1/organisations/{your_organisation_id}/repositories. Then follow the steps above using the HTTP endpoints to delete the other entries if needed, or contact us.

After these steps, again the normal instructions for upgrading Debian packages or upgrading containers should be followed.

Running the Origin Migration

Upon upgrading, one migration needs to be triggered manually. This is the boefjes/tools/ script, which you can run in your boefje environment using:

python -m tools.upgrade_v1_16_0

Or, using Docker:

docker compose exec boefje python -m tools.upgrade_v1_16_0

Please check the logs for any errors in the migration. The script can be run multiple times in case unexpected errors appear, although some warnings are to be expected. After running the script (ideally once), the next run should log that total_processed=0 and total_failed=0.

Full Changelog

The full changelog can be found on Github.