OpenKAT 1.8

One of the focus areas of this release is reducing false positives and noise the OOIs and findings that are created.

Bits have a min clearance level now and a bit won’t be run when the OOI doesn’t have the specified clearance level. This fixes bits creating DMARC/DKIM/SPF findings on domains that have clearance level of 0 because there aren’t any DNS records.

In all places where hostname OOIs are created we made sure only hostnames without the trailing dot are created. This means from now on there will only be a hostname objects without a dot instead of both one with and without.

Support for enabling and disabling bits using environment variables has been added and a bit can now be disabled by default. More info can be found in the usermanual.

It is possible to mute a finding with a button on the findings page. This will create a MuteFinding OOI and results in the finding not being shown anymore in the web interface and reports. A finding can be unmuted by deleting the MuteFinding object.

On the OOI detail page the inherented clearance level chain can be shown. For OOIs created by bits the bit and its parameters are also shown on the OOI detail page.

New Features

  • The project discovery Nuclei boefje has been added.

  • The Subfinder Boefje has been added.

  • When a new boefje is enabled the boefje will be scheduled faster.

  • An organisation dashboard has been added that is the landing page for an organization.

  • Tags on organizations are visible and can be added and edited.

  • Added organization level finding reports. There is a button on the findings page and a new generate_report management command to generate the report.

  • A new port-common bit that also makes findings for every open common port. This bit is disabled by default.

  • The organization settings page has a new “Rerun all bits” button that can be used after upgrading.

Bug fixes

  • The SSL Certificate bit checks for wildcards before creating findings.

  • Plugin cover images have been resized to the right size and compressed.

  • DNSSPFMechanismHostname inheritance level is set 0 to prevent discovery from going to far.

  • The port classification bit differentiates between TCP and UDP ports.

  • In a lot of places the error handling has been improved resulting in error messages in the web interface.

  • The scheduler DB was missing an index. This has been added and should fix some performance issues.


The usual instructions for upgrading can be followed. For the changes that cause certain object to no longer be created it can take some time before they disappear because the boefjes and normalizers need to run again for that to happen. Objects created by bits might not disappear automatically at all because the bit will not be triggered if the data doesn’t change. You can use the “Rerun all bits” button on the organization settings page to trigger all bits.

Development containers

The development Docker Compose configuration has been changed from four PostgreSQL containers with one database each to a single container with four databases. In addition, PostgreSQL is upgraded from version 12.8 to version 15.

If you don’t need to keep the data in your development instance you only need to update your .env. If you do want to keep the data you need to dump the databases with the following commands before you update the git repository (the commands need to run using the old docker-compose.yml):

docker-compose exec bytes-db pg_dump -U postgres bytes > bytes.sql
docker-compose exec katalogus-db pg_dump -U postgres katalogus > katalogus.sql
docker-compose exec rocky-db pg_dump -U postgres rocky > rocky.sql
docker-compose exec scheduler-db pg_dump -U postgres scheduler > scheduler.sql

In .env, you need to change ROCKY_DB_HOST to “postgres” and also change BYTES_DB_URI, KATALOGUS_DB_URI, SCHEDULER_DB_DSN to use “postgres” as hostname by changing the “@{bytes,katalogus,scheduler}-db:5432/” part to “@postgres:5432/”.

After that you can pull in the changes you can start the new PostgreSQL container using:

docker-compose up -d postgres

And load the dumps back in with psql:

docker-compose exec -T postgres psql -U postgres bytes < bytes.sql
docker-compose exec -T postgres psql -U postgres katalogus < katalogus.sql
docker-compose exec -T postgres psql -U postgres rocky < rocky.sql
docker-compose exec -T postgres psql -U postgres scheduler < scheduler.sql

Full Changelog

The full changelog can be found on Github.